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Satisfaction Guarantee

Customer satisfaction is our highest priority. If, within 30 days after you receive one of our gifts, you want to return or exchange it for any reason, just follow the easy steps below. Upon receipt of the return, we will exchange or replace the gift or refund the price of the gift (not including shipping, handling or gift wrap charges) to the credit card used for the purchase, whichever you prefer. The return period for gifts purchased from November 15-December 31 is extended through January 31st.
Refunds are not available for engraved or custom-ordered items. However, if we have made an error in the engraving or if the custom-ordered item is defective, we will replace the item with a corrected version at no additional charge (once the incorrect or defective item has been returned to us).
If you wish to order multiple quantities of a single item, we encourage you to order a sample first before ordering the larger quantity. We reserve the right to decline returns of large quantities of items that require custom orders to be placed with our suppliers. Also, because of the time required to inspect, ship and restock returned items, we charge a restocking fee equal to the greater of $25 or 10% of the total purchase amount if quantities of 5 or more items are returned.
Steps to take if you are returning a gift:
  • Notify us that you are returning the gift and tell us whether you want a replacement, exchange or refund by filling out our return form.
  • Carefully re-pack the gift for reshipment.
  • Include a copy of the return form in the shipping box.
If the item you received was damaged or was not the correct product, let us know and we will issue a UPS call tag to pick up the product. A replacement will be shipped when we receive the return.
This page is part of the
Netique Gift Boutique.
We make gift-giving effortless!
We giftwrap, prepare your personalized enclosure card and ship.
To visit the Netique.comĀ® Home Page, click here.
Netique, Ltd.
819 Monroe Street
Herndon, VA 20170
Website Copyright 1995-2024 Netique, Ltd.